
Hier sind alle Termine für Pfadfinder und ihre Freunde in und um Hannover mit etwas mehr Details zu finden.

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DPSG Heilige Engel Hannover

21.07.2024: Stammessommerlager in Kandersteg (Schweiz)

Der Stamm fährt dieses Jahr ins Sommerlager in die Schweiz.
eingetragen von: Michael Reinartz

24.08.2024: Kirchweih und Gemeindefest

Samstags Postenlauf, Sonntags Gemeindefest. Infos folgen noch.
eingetragen von: Michael Reinartz

Diözesanverband Hildesheim

23.08.2024: Modul 2

eingetragen von: DPSG Diözesanbüro
Link: https://www.dpsg-hildesheim.de/2022/12/modul-2

18.10.2024: Modul 3

Modul 3 findet am 18.-20. Oktober im Hannoverbezirk statt.
eingetragen von: DPSG Diözesanbüro
Link: Modul 3

01.11.2024: Modul 1

Modul 1 findet vom 01.-03.2024 November im Nordbezirk statt.
eingetragen von: DPSG Diözesanbüro
Link: Modul 1


20.07.2024: Vendelbo Jamborette

eingetragen von: Bärbel Thomas
Link: Vendelbo Jamborette

22.07.2024: Roverway

In the summer of 2024, scouts and guides between 16 and 22 years old have the opportunity to join us for an exciting jamboree. Participants will get to know many other cultures through thousands of other rovers from Europe. Lots of fun, sharing experiences, knowledge and ideas are important keywords. The paths will end with the main jamboree in the Stavanger area. During the first days of Roverway 2024, rovers will have the opportunity to explore a path with other rovers from several countries. Participants can choose from a number of different paths around Norway, with different themes, so that everyone will have an as good and unique experience as possible, and explore Norwegian nature and culture. After five days along the various routes, everyone gathers for a joint jamboree near Stavanger. Roverway is one of the most popular scout events in Europe with 5000-6000 participants and has previously been held in Finland, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, France and the Netherlands. Roverway is made by rovers for rovers!
eingetragen von: Paul Klahre
Link: Roverway Webpage

29.07.2024: Marsna Jamborette 2024

Infos unter: info@marsna-jamborette.nl
eingetragen von: Bärbel Thomas

02.08.2024: Central Eureopean Jamboree

Infos unter Central European Jamboree 2024 | BEHIND THE HORIZON - CEJ24 (skaut.sk)
eingetragen von: Bärbel Thomas

10.08.2024: Cordon bleu

eingetragen von: Bärbel Thomas